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187 results:

Suzanne Carter

 Suzanne Carter

Suzanne currently leads on Partnerships and UNFCCC engagement for the ARA. She is the Climate Services Practice Area lead at SouthSouthNorth. Previously, Suzanne headed the coordination unit for the…

Consultative Process: Climate Risk Assessment in LDCs

This report summarises findings from the ARA Consultative Process examining Cimate Risk Assessments in least developed countries (LDCs).

Consultative Process: Adaptation research for climate resilient health systems

This report summarises key findings from a global Consultative Process held by the ARA with global experts identifying priority results-oriented adaptation research for climate resilient health…

Consultative Process: Food system research priorities in the context of climate change

This report summarises a Consultative Process held by the ARA and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to surface priorities and recommendations for action research in adapting food…


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Consultative Process: Enhancing gender equality and social inclusion through climate action

This report summarises findings from a two-part Consultative Process on addressing gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) within climate action.

Infographic: ARA Consultative Processes

Infographic: ARA Consultative Processes

This infographic details four Consultatvie Processes undertaken by the ARA to exlore issues faced in adaptation research and action.

Identifying research needs and opportunities with Consultative Processes

Identifying research needs and opportunities with Consultative Processes

This concept note outlines the ARA's approach for its Consultative Process activities, which serve to enhance the credibility of research within the adaptation and resilience agenda.

Shared learning process on understanding climate risk

Read a summary of insights from the ARA shared learning process on understanding climate risk carried out with a diversity of global research and climate action communities.

ARA Concept Note

This foundational document details the vision of the ARA for catalysing investment and capacity for action-orientated research that supports effective adaptation to climate change.

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