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216 results:

Digital tools for reversing Environmental Degradation

Digital tools for reversing Environmental Degradation

The Royal Academy of Engineering will lead this virtual Frontiers symposium to identify practical innovative solutions that prevent, and reverse, environmental degradation in Asia and Africa.

ARIN International Conference 2022

ARIN International Conference 2022

Join ARA member ARIN for this digital conference seeking to interrogate pathways through which just transition processes in Africa could rebuild better and more resilient local communities.

ARA at COP27: Micro-grants, Co-creation activities & partnerships

ARA at COP27: Micro-grants, Co-creation activities & partnerships

The Adaptation Research Alliance celebrated its one-year anniversary at COP27 with several events underscoring its work to bridge adaptation research and action.

Adaptation Research Alliance statement on tragic loss of Ndoni Mcunu

On behalf of the Adaptation Research Alliance, the ARA Secretariat and Co-chairs would like to share how deeply saddened we are by the tragic loss of Ndoni Mcunu on Saturday, 16 April 2022.

Adaptation Research Alliance: A new global coalition for adaptation action

A new global coalition working to catalyse investment and capacity for action-oriented research in adaptation to climate change has launched today at the COP26 summit.

Over 30 organisations from around the world have come together to co-develop a bold new global partnership

Over 30 organisations from around the world have come together to co-develop a bold new global partnership that will catalyse and scale investment in action-oriented research for climate adaptation…

ARA launches co-creation activities for adaptation programme development

The announcement demonstrates how the ARA is delivering on promises made to catalyse investment and opportunities for adaptation action research during its launch at COP26 in Glasgow.

ARA launches innovative approach to funding adaptation

The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) has launched Grassroots Action Research Micro-grants, a series of grants each totalling GBP 15,000 that support locally led adaptation initiatives.

Global Stocktake Poster Session

Global Stocktake Poster Session

Explore the ARA's submission to the UNFCCC Global Stocktake, including on the ground perspectives of adaptation efforts.

Poster: ARA submission to the Global Stocktake

Poster: ARA submission to the Global Stocktake

This poster shows the gaps identified by ARA members in achieving adaptation progress, and presents solutions for how they can be overcome.

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