Less than 4% of global climate change research funding is spent in Africa. Of the estimated USD 1.26 billion in funding earmarked for Africa-related research on climate impacts, mitigation and…
‘Knowledge that informs action is what society is calling out for right now. We have to prioritise action research for the Global South to improve the lives of billions, avoid maladaptation, [and]…
The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) hosted a high-level plenary session at the Adaptation Futures conference on 8 October 2021 to make its case for action research that addresses the needs of the…
Overview of the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) ARA co-chairs, Rosalind West and Anand Patwardhan, explain the development of the ARA. As part of the UK COP26 Presidency Adaptation &…
Making the case for the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) The reasons for and goals of the ARA Climate change is impacting many countries. There is an urgent need for coordinated global efforts to…