The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) is a global coalition responding to the urgent challenges faced by vulnerable communities from climate change. Our membership is made up of researchers,…
The 3rd Annual Gobeshona Global Conference on research into Action, organized by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development, will be held during 10th to 16th March, 2023.
This Chair's Summary provides valuable feedback for the design of grants to ensure they are effective at meeting local level needs and in building a better understanding of climate risks.
Time to Innovate: Adapt Together The seventh Adaptation Futures international conference series on global adaptation will take place on 2-6 October 2023 in Montréal, Canada.
The Royal Academy of Engineering will lead this virtual Frontiers symposium to identify practical innovative solutions that prevent, and reverse, environmental degradation in Asia and Africa.
Join ARA member ARIN for this digital conference seeking to interrogate pathways through which just transition processes in Africa could rebuild better and more resilient local communities.