This infographic details four Consultative Processes undertaken by the ARA to exlore issues faced in adaptation research and action in food systems, global health, gender and social inclusion and climate risk assessments for national adaptation planning in least developed countires (LDCs).
The goal of these Consultative Processes was to:
- Drive the development of new projects or programmes that address the needs identified in the consultative process.
- Create communities of practice or networks for actors to continue engagement that can lead to collective problem solving.
A Chair’s Summary for each of the four Consultative Process was produced detailing the processes, findings and recommendations they generated.
Related Chair Summaries
- Consultative Process: Enhancing gender equality and social inclusion through climate action
- Consultative Process: Food system research priorities in the context of climate change
- Consultative Process: Adaptation research for climate resilient health systems
- Consultative Process: Climate Risk Assessment in LDCs
Consultative Processes
This infographic details four Consulative Processes held by the ARA on: Food systems, global health, gender & social inclusion, and CRAs for NAPs in LDCs.