The ARA has completed two rounds of micro-grants up to date.
Round one of the ARA Grassroots Action Research Micro-Grants
The first round of the ARA Grassroots Action Research Micro-grants was officially announced at COP26 in 2021, providing an opportunity for 25 grantees from the Global South to explore burning adaptation issues faced by their communities related to the climate crisis. The awarded projects included:
Addis Ababa Water and Sewage Authority (AAWSA), Ethiopia: Addressing water security challenges under uncertain futures.
Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN), Kenya: Using community adaptation labs to develop climate risk maps for local action planning and policy influence in Mukuru informal settlement, Kenya.
Asociación Pop No’j, Guatemala: Cambio climático, vulnerabilidades y migración en una comunidad maya-mam en Guatemala. (Climate change, vulnerabilities, and migration in a Mayan-Mam community in Guatemala.)
Centre d’Innovation Technologique, Haiti: Building stronger communities for girls.
The Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), Sierra Leone: Climate-smart fisheries management for sustainable and resilient coastal communities.
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Argentina: Climate change adaptation plans and local governments.
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria: Vulnerability, assessment and management of incessant flood occurrences at Lokoja, Ibadan and Lagos metropolises.
Fundacion CoMunidad, Panama: Resilience action plan for Santa Maria Watershed.
Global Water Partnership Tanzania (GWPTZ), Tanzania: Building the capacity of the water sector in Tanzania and Zanzibar to develop bankable climate-resilient projects.
Green Resources Limited, Rwanda: Building the resilience of communities with increased local adaptive capacity to climate change in Nyabihu District.
International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh: Bridging the climate information gap for adaptation: mainstreaming climate services into higher education in Bangladesh.
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), Columbia: Adaptation issues concerning urban planning and strategic ecosystems in Colombia, from an ecosystem-based adaptation approach.
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Kenya: Generation, delivery, and uptake of hydrological hazard information in Kenya.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan: Knowledge-based local adaptation planning in Guimaras Province, a vulnerable island province in the Philippines.
Integrated Design (INDÉ), India: Socially just and adaptive community spaces.
Kasa Initiative Ghana, Ghana: Enhancing adaptive strategies to cope with climate-induced coastal erosion in Ghana (ESCOCEG).
Kounkuey Design Initiative, Kenya: Living Data Hubs (LDH): putting data and knowledge in the hands of urban resilience pioneers.
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques (ESSA-Forêts), University of Antananarivo, Madagascar: Upscaling the adoption of cost-effective climate-smart agricultural techniques in Madagascar
Meat Naturally, South Africa: Reinforcing systemic socioecological vulnerabilities of pastoralist communities in the former homelands of South Africa.
OJA, Société à Responsabilité Limitée, Benin: Soil protection and rehabilitation project using legumes and compost to improve food security and restore soil.
Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), India: Breaking the vicious cycle: planning water security in low-income urban neighbourhoods through co-creation.
Shack Dwellers International, Kenya: The Uptake of climate action financing for community adaptation plan implementation and local climate actions in Nairobi.
St. Luke’s Medical Center (SLMC), Philippines: Putting health at the heart of local climate adaptation planning to maximise human well-being.
Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment Inc. (TAMPEI), Philippines: Project upgrade: geotechnical research and development for the urban poor.
Universidad Nacional De Rosario, Argentina: Delta del Paraná Medio: fortalecimiento de la planificación de adaptación y uso de la tierra. (Middle Paraná Delta: Strengthening adaptation planning and land.
Round two of the ARA Grassroots Action Research Micro-Grants
The ARA announced its second round of micro-grants in May 2023, awarding 30 Global South projects up to GBP 15,000 to carry out inclusive, locally-led action research for identifying needs and opportunities for building resilience. The awarded projects were based in 22 countries from the Global South and included:
New Millenium Women Empowerment Organisation (NMWEO): Women empowerment & local climate adaptation through climate smart agriculture (CSA)
Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO): Sustaining sub-Saharan african cities through youth leadership (You Sustain)
Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI): Exploring Community Responsive Adaptation (CRA) to flooding in Kenya and regional cities
Tanjona Association: Unpacking the needs of Boeny coastal cities for adapting to climate change & building resilience
Centre for Community Organisation and Development (CCODE): City-level climate information & citizen resilience adaptation actions in informal settlements of Lilongwe
Society for Climate Action in Nigeria (SCAN): Strengthening rural women resilience to climate change through targeted advisory service and knowledge building
Action for Women and Children Concern (AWCC): Enhancing inclusive community resilience and adaptation to climate change induced shocks in Somalia
Women's Life and Wellness Foundation (WLWF): Exploring farmer managed seed systems as an adaptation method
Pad Up Zimbabwe: Community adaptation to climate change through diverse and sustainable livelihood portfolios of nature-based enterprises (NBEs)
Center for People and Environment (CPE): Piloting & knowledge co-creation on nature-based solutions to protect wave erosion in Haor areas of Bangladesh
Institute of Sustainable Innovation for Communities (ISIC): Saving mothers, protecting the womb
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre: Climate change, women with disabilities, invisibility and networking response
SaciWATERs: Finding adaptation solutions to menstrual health risks induced by climate change through knowledge co-creation
Gujarat Mahila Housing SEWA Trust: Supporting India's national disaster management guidelines by developing community led templates for managing urban flood
Doh Eain: Community climate adaptation for local infrastructure
St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine: Building climate-resilient local health systems in the Philippines
Technical Assistance Movementfor People and Environment, Inc. (TAMPEI): Flood risks, environmental sanitation and health research in riverine communities in Iloilo,Philippines (Project FRESH)
Earthlanka Youth Network: Cloud forest restoration at Bopaththalawa, central highlands of Sri Lanka
Songkhla Community Foundation (SCF): Engagement of vulnerable and marginalised coastal communities for empowerment and climate adaptation
Asociación Civil Apu Kuntur: Donde hubo fuego, habrá bosques
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO): Incorporation of the climate perspective in community strategies
Teia dos Povos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro: Autonomy, sustainability and peoples' buen vivir: catalysing the power of community-led adaptation and nature-based alternatives in the Atlantic Rainforest region, Brazil
Asociación Civil ICLEI Argentina: La planificación urbana local de la adaptación al cambio climático en Chile
ICLEI Colombia: Building resilience with people and nature: from an ecosystem based adaptation approach
Centre d'Innovation Technologique et d'Entrepreneuriat (CITE): Building strong and sustainable communities for girls at Dame Marie, Grand'Anse Department
Fundación Hondureña de Ambiente y Desarrollo Vida: Gobernanza hídrica local: complejidad institucional y operativa de Juntas Administradoras de Agua (JAA) en Honduras
Instituto Sudamericano para Estudios sobre Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad (SARAS): Co-investigating opportunities for climate change adaptation in the small-scale
Vida Silvestre Uruguay: Percepciones y acciones para reducir el impacto de inundaciones sobre la comunidad de Durazno, Uruguay
Amigos del Viento meteorología ambiente desarrollo: San Jacinto se prepara. Liderazgo local y resiliencia comunitaria ante un Impacto Global: la escasez de agua
Below are several brochures illustrating the work of the ARA with the Grassroots Action Research Micro-Grants.

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