An initiative of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), this Fellowship seeks to achieve a twin goal of increasing the number of African women leading climate change action and catalyze production of climate solutions that work for women smallholders.
Gender disparities in agrifood systems are multifaceted, with yawning gender gaps recorded in the leadership of agrifood systems, policy, and decision making, all the way to the farm level. Climate change further compounds the gender inequality challenge, with climate shocks having a larger impact on women’s livelihoods.
Through this Fellowship, AWARD aims to contribute to equitable rural livelihoods by increasing the number of women leaders in climate change producing innovations that address the diverse needs of smallholders in the African agrifood systems.
The ‘Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action’ Fellowship will foster production and transfer of context-specific knowledge on climate adaptation technologies to different stakeholders including smallholders, extension workers, and policymakers.
Who can apply?
- This Fellowship targets African women at different stages of their professional careers who are actively engaged in finding solutions to the effects of climate change.
- They should have at least 5 years of experience in climate related work in diverse areas such as research, policy, academia, extension and advisory services, climate information services, community mobilization, climate justice and advocacy among others.
- Women working in government, non-government organizations, community-based organizations, International and regional bodies, private sector are all eligible to apply.
More details about eligibility including target countries are available on the AWARD website.
How to apply?
Apply by submitting an application form before 10 September 2024.
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