This session, co-organised by ARA & UNEP, with UNFCCC & UNESCWA, through the Nairobi work programme, highlights challenges, learning and best practices in adaptation capacity-building.
The focus is on different stakeholders through three components: bridging adaptation knowledge to action, closing adaptation knowledge gaps in subregions and countries, and building youth capacity for climate action through city-university partnerships.
The panellists will discuss what the main areas of knowledge gaps and capacity-building needs are, and highlight specific challenges, learnings, experiences, and best practices from their initiatives.
Speakers include: Dr Aditya V. Bahadur (IIED/ARA), Ms Taylor Martin (Co-water international), Dr Tarek Sadek (UN-ESCWA), Ms Maha Balbaa (The British University of Egypt), Dr Nuttavikhom (Kay) Phanthuwongpakdee (Thammasat University, Research Unit in Urban Futures and Policy).
Location: Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) Hub (Blue Zone)
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