The Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) provides a forum for policy-makers, practitioners and others working in the humanitarian sector to share and disseminate information, analysis and experience, and to learn from it. Written by practitioners for practitioners, HPN's aim is to improve the performance of humanitarian action by encouraging and facilitating knowledge-sharing and contributing to individual and institutional learning. HPN membership is free and brings access to high quality, timely, relevant information and analysis on operational experience, institutional developments and policy initiatives in the humanitarian sector. Members receive the quarterly publications Humanitarian Exchange and Network Papers on key topics for humanitarian practice, and can access the archive of publications online. Members become part of a global community of over 6000 policy makers and practitioners; they can engage in dialogue and debate at events and through blogs and feedback online. HPN members include individuals and organisations engaged in humanitarian action. They work in over 130 countries worldwide, working in northern and southern NGOs, the UN and other multilateral agencies, governments and donors, academic institutions and consultancies. HPN's publications are written by a similarly wide range of contributors. HPN is managed by the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), an independent think tank on humanitarian and development policy. HPN maintains editorial independence, however, and the views and opinions expressed in HPN's publications do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Humanitarian Policy Group or the Overseas Development Institute.

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